Michaela Fendrock

I am an NSF Office of Polar Programs Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Geology at the University at Buffalo, working primarily with Elizabeth Thomas. I did my PhD in the MIT-WHOI Joint Program, co-advised by David McGee and Alan Condron. I use computers to bridge the gap between a climate signal and how it is recorded in the geologic record. My research takes me in the field, but I spend most of my (work) time with computer models. In addition to research, I care very much about undergraduate education and how to be an effective teacher.

Formerly a lifelong Baystater, I grew up in Sudbury, MA and attended Wellesley College where I majored in Geosciences and Astronomy. I then worked as a research assistant at Woods Hole Oceanographic before starting my PhD. I’m an avid cyclist and have a dog named Asha who is my frequent collaborator.

For a deeper dive into my research and interests, take a look at my CV.